Monday, 21 February 2011

Laughing doctors, Still no results and A nephews 4th birthday, A new baby and A box of Trinkety goodness!

Hello again dear ones!

How are one and all? hope all is good.

So I went to my doctors set appointment for find out my blood results on Tuesday, and they did not have them, so Wednesday I called up and still were not there, Thursday I had an appointment to go back and see a doctor, but still they were not there, yet I did get two things out of my Doctors Visit, One being The doctor LAUGHED in my face! and Two being him saying Goodluck (while laughing) Soo yeah, I didnt realise doctors were aloud to laugh in your face and say goodluck but thankyou dear Temp doctor, you caused my worrying to stop and made me laugh alot. NOT, you made me angry, my family angry and made me actually begin to worry! which I was not doing to start with! so again THANKYOU!.

So Friday came along and I called up the doctors office, 7 times, to get my results as they kept on telling me "they will be here later please call back again", and yet they never give me them, though they did say there was a fault at the lab on the day MY bloods arrive, hmm.. slightly annoyed more at the doctor for not mentioning that tiny minute factor. So anyway they told me to call back today, and I did so, and yet still NO RESULTS.

Today however is my Nephew Joe's 4th birthday.
I got a Phonecall from him, which made me laugh like a crazy person,
so the phonecall went like this...

Me: "Hello Joe!"
Joe: "Happy birthday UNCLE Sawa!"
Me: "Its not my birthday Joe its yours" *slightly baffled at th fact I have switched from aunty to uncle overnight*
*me laughing like a crazy fool at how cute he really is*
Me: " So what did you get JoeJoe?"
Joe: *makes noise* "------ can you see it sawa look see it, bye bye sawa"

Bahaha I seriously love my nephews all 3 of them, more than anything in this world! id move the stars for them if I could!

P.s i called the doctor AGAIN halfway through this blog and finally got an answer worthy-ish i think... have to speak to a nurse in an hour to see if she can get into the hospital system and get my results! should be fun! crossing my fingers that she'll have a result for me!

Also on Saturday, my very very beautifully good friend Amy gave birth to a beautifull baby girl by the name of Rachael Isabella! So congratulations to her too! i love ya!

And in other news... I have decided upon a nice few gifts for Tonya! yep! fellow blogger Tonya.
So i decided it would be rather lovely to send her some british things! trinket size or a little more lol! i have a list so i need to start collecting to send! :D

so yea, thats been my 'past few days' summary for y'all,

I less than Three you all! <3


  1. Oh Sara!!! What a frustrating time! I see that the medical system is just as stellar there as here, I have decided private, or national medicine means nothing, except that at least they look at you in your country if you drag your bod through the door with no insurance. Although, I know a person who has no insurance or medi-cal here and they have really helped...Now to just figure out a payment plan until that person is older than dirt, OR they give this person some forgiveness and do not shackle them to a bed pan somewhere...
    Track 'em down Sara, I admire your tenacity! Keep calling cuz the 'squeaky wheel gets the grease!" How are you feeling lovey?
    Happy Birthday JoeJoe!!!! America sends it's love!
    And I see that you are preparing a basket of trinkety goodness for moi! Oh you are so sweet!!! I am very excited....brilliant!!!...You never said what American-type bits-and-bobs...(see me being British?) that you would like...If nothing, then I don't blame you! Most of our crap is made in China! Seriously O_O I am going on a hunt for SOMETHING made in the USA....oh it is like a scavenger hunt...divoon! T~~~

  2. Sara,
    I hope you have gotten your test results by now. Having to wait almost an extra week is definitely not acceptable. I do think I would be asking for referrals for another doctor. I could never entrust my health to someone who would treat their patient so very disrespectfully! I pray you get some answers soon. You didn't mention how you have been feeling since your last post.

    Glad you were able to find joy in your nephew. Patience is admirable, but, tolerance of professional neglect is not in your best interest. Pursue the concern and respect you deserve. God bless you! Renee'

  3. Sara!!! I posted, I promise!!! I wrote a big ol' longggg post!Pffft! Love you Sweetie, so sorry about the medical stuff.
    Also , Happy Birthday from America JoeJoe!!!
    I am sooo happy about any British trinkets....Squee!
    I will send you some American junk that is all made in China, No, I will go on a "made in USA" hunt for you! Loves to you, Tonya!!!

  4. ~Tonya the health service here is terrible, though sometimes good, yet more terrible to the point where my late nana (may she rest in peace) took bloods 6 weeks before she passed away of Pancreatic/Lymphoma Cancer, and was in hospital for exactly a month before she passed, yet 6 weeks later the doctor called her house for my Aunty to answer the phone and them to say she they had found something in my nanas bloods, yet she'd already died 6 weeks prior! thats how terrible they are! they found the cancer two weeks before she died it was awfull to see!, and yes alot fo the things here are made in china too! haha, you'll see my post on facebook to you no doubt that if i cannot find anything made in the UK i shall make it myself bahaha!

    ~Renee thankyou for your prayers, just yesterday i found that they say theres nothing they found in my bloods, but i have to se a doctor again because they say it just cant be nothing! the pains are awfull, for the past 5 days i was fine, then htey came back with terrible force! i am now back to a light eating schedule! which really is awfull because i do LOVE food!!

  5. Sara, That is just scandalous about your Grandma! I am SO sorry. I get ALL riled up about docs and health care, but I just saw such an amazing clip about a wonderful surgeon that God was using in mighty way. I had to say "Sorry Lord, and bless that doctor" He showed me that it is sooo easy to stereo-type and lump folks togehter, but there are good and amazing people EVERYWERE!!!! <3 ~T~
