Wednesday, 2 March 2011

St Mary's Lighthouse, and My little RastaBrush Boy!


  1. Oh Sara, beautiful Light House, I just love them!!! We have a few beauties on the West coast but the most beautiful ones, I think, are on the East coast here....If I ever gt to come to England, I want to visit this one!!!
    Absolutely adorable rasta-brush baby!!!! Love him!!!Give him hugs for me!

  2. Yes it is absoloutly Beautifull! Personally i have never been to the lighthouse, but my Grandad goes everyweek and just takes alot of photographs, he's amazing at what he does! i think im going to go with him next time im there! its local to us and yes you should come to england and see it!! I hope i get to America one day so i can see all the beautifull sights!

    I will give my little Rasta-Brush a hug from you! he's so adorable and crazy! he is due to get another hair cut on wednesday he looks like a giant bog-brush right now! seriously! that picture was taken taken the last time we got him cut. heh!
