Sunday, 3 April 2011

Mothering Sunday is upon us Brits!

Yes, you heard right, Today is National Appreciate Your Mother Day!
For everything they have done for us, some of us forget that they Spent the majority of 9 months with us in their stomach,
We werent exactly light either!
Their strength to raise us astounds me,

Aged 0-2 Our tears, boo-boo's, wanting to be fed constantly, changing our dirty stinks.
Aged 2-4 Our Terrible Two's which infact last alot longer than the age of two!/ Teething! (thats enough to handle)
Aged 4-6 Our want of everything and i mean EVERYTHING from a thomas magazine to a peppa pig magazine to the fizzy juice up on that shelf there!
Aged 6-10 The begining of the awfull attitudes! (oh dear)
Aged 10-13 The "Oh thats what that is!" Years!
Aged 13-16 The "EWWW NO WAY, GROSS!!" "I AM NOT WEARING THAT!!" years
Aged 16-18 The Rebelious years!, The heartbreak of your first love maybe!
Aged 18-21 The Alcohol allowed years! (my mother is quite glad i hate the stuff)
and Agd 21 + The rest of our lives!

And yet we still, at any age, forget the strength they give us still today, the love they have for us for always!
Mothering Sunday is the one day of the year where we all Give everything we possibly can to our mothers, We do the washing up,
(TRY) to cook the dinners o_O, Get her coat and shoes, make her coffee or tea, clean the house and just show our undying love and support!
our respect and gratitude for giving us life and never letting us go!

Everyday should be like that, not just one day a year, Respect, Love, Gratitude and Kindness Cost NOTHING!
So we have no excuse not to give and show!

So Yesterday I woke up (saturday, with rather immensly swollen hips) and cleaned My mothers Entire bedroom, floor to roof! (almost)
I spent the day playing Bingo with her! and although we spent WAY too much and wone NOTHING at all, we had fun, we laughed, screamed,
and pretty much wanted to murder everyone who shouted (HOUSE I WIN)
O_O yep! apparently Bingo brings out my angry and competitive side!,
it also brings out a side of me that laughs uncontrollably too!

Bingo is a bad thing fo rme i think! lol!

And Today (Sunday) i woke up, or actually was woken up! by a screaming 7 years old (Dylan) telling me "Its mothers day! get up so i can write my card for nana!"
We gave my mother her cards (i refilled her perfume which she's been wanting for a while) and then i cleaned around the house once again! (hips slightly less swollen today)
I done dishes and now she's watching her season two boxset of Dexter!

So i am currently in my bedroom watching or should i say flicking through the sky box! :/

I hope all you mothers out there get the love and respect from your children, husbands, boyfriends, partners, and grandchildren also, that you so very much deserve, and also deserve to hear EVERY day!
Have a wonderfull day and relax, and if you cant relax because of a 2 year old then just let them eat that stick of glue, stick their fingers in the sockets and rip your important documents apart!
because tomorrow the glue will be dispensed quite rapidly i should think, and the documents can be taped back together and as for the sockets.. well their hair will be tamed in a few weeks i should guess!


Have a wonderous day, you wonderfull mothers, nanas and grandmas!
I respect you even if i dont personally know you! your brough children into this world and raised them well!

I less than three you all! <3


  1. What a blessed woman your mother is! When our children grow up and become our best friends, it makes it all worthwhile! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. My Mother is blessed, but we are blessed more to have her here wiht us every day, not eveyone is as lucky as us and yet we take it for granted half of the time, i think all mothers should be appreciated for what they are and what they do, they dont have to give us love and heal us, but they do it because they love us, and we should do the same for them! :) thankyou Renee.

  3. Aww Zara-friend! That was an amazing tribute to your Momma! Your love for her just shines from you! Blessed daughter, and blessed mom. I love that it is called "Mothering Sunday" on your side of the world. It just sounds a thousand times more grand than ours, which is coming up in may. I went into labor with my first child on Mother's Day...>.<
    Jamie's older brother came barreling into the world---after 32 hours labor--weighing in at 9lbs 6 and a half ounces...aaiieeeee!!! Happy Mothering Sunday! Wow...but he was beauiful they all were...all 17, no wait! I only have three, Oh, just feeeeels like 17 sometimes. ;)
    -----just joking kids-----momma loves you! And I love you too Sara. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful daughter's love. All of us moms feel a happy glow----a very warm glow---now we see smoke---who set the stove on fire!!!!! tee-hee...
    Several hugs and a big sa-mooooch!
    Please say hello to your Mum for me, tell her we think she did a fabulous job! ~~Tonya~~

  4. Thankyou Tonya! Your so wonderfull!, 32 hours o_O! oh dear what pain! but what beauty followed! :), yes we call is morthering sunday, but being as we are we call it mothers day for short! it should be mothers day everyday, although then again is should just be internation appreciation for all! day! every day! (if only) I weighed in at 8lbs 12 oz!! and yet i still wonder why mother resents me hahaha! no no, i was a perfect baby apparently, my brothers and sister were harder, i didnt cry much, though i was an expensive child (oops) i did however come out the EXACT day i was due and almost exactly on time too (they predicted my timing) i guess it makes me special right? o_O haha i can only hope! :D, I once set fire to my mothers kitchen cooking breakfast.. it didn go down well, had to re-furbish all the kitchen and the cooker was a sheer melt lol, but they saw the funny side and were glad because they "Needed a new cooker anyway" Haha! i shall tell her you say HELLOOOOOO! and thankyou for commenting! :) ~S

  5. LOL!!!! I knew I smelled 'cooker' smoke!!!
    Hey you were 8-lbs 12oz....Jamie was 8-lbs. 8-oz.....What a wonderful family you have! Seeing the funny side helps keep the love flowing, yes??? ~Tonzya~

  6. Haha! yes i set fire to my mothers BRIGHT orange kitchen and yes the cooker got the brunt of it! poor thing, nobs melted and all! :( haha! yes they saw the funny side, they even offerd me "Smonkey Bacon Crisps" because i was cooking bacon when it happend! i didnt see the funn side hahaha! ~Zara Girl~

  7. LOL!!! Love your family! Actually I am quite a fan of smokey bacon crisps----providing they are not TOO smokey---However if you meled knobs, I am thinking they became bits O carbon....O_o
    A nice CLT???? (carbon, lettuce and tomato?)hmmm...Waitress!!!!

  8. LOL!! I like the sound of CLT! o_O .. WAITRESS!!! bring me one too!

  9. LOL!!! Yummmmmm!!! oh, and waitress? Could I have a side-order of fa--laming potato-crispsssssss....=0)
