Tuesday 7 June 2011

The recent adventures of..uh.. well little ol me!

Hello dear loves!

How is everyone? well I do hope!

So recently I purchased a gift for a dear friend of mine.. but oh noes, it turns out she relocated to Hawaii.. then Paris.. and well
it looks like I now cannot send her the gift.. oh dear...

Hahaha! only kidding.. although im not entirely sure if one mrs T did infact relocate, i am still sending the gift, and from word of email she is looking quite forward to it too!
I just need to purchase a lovely gift for eat miss Jamie and Mrs Momma! <-- (Mrs T's momma of course)

In other news,

1. My gums inflamed entirely last week.. not good, very painfull and just plain uncomfortable!
2. My teeth on my left side are just really badly sensitive! i have a dentist appointment tomorrow (wednesday) and i actualyl cannot wait.. thats how bad! O_O
3. I built up a new website for my Uncle Mark, which actually looks rather good considering I havent built a website for over 7 years.. and even then it was a teen website which was what everyone was doing at the time and it was easy peasy!
this one is in fact and actual website though its only for his guild members or i'd give you all insight! (super secret stuff)
4. I just found out today that he loved it so much that he wants me to work on building his new website! O_O.. my days are filled!
though it only actually took me 6 days to scratch start AND finish the last one! O_O.. WOAH!
5. I found my old phone,, which is super handy because its literally like a digital camera (blackberry storm) I love it, its old and its amazing! I can now start taking photographs again untill I save up enough cash to buy an actual camera that I love.
6. Jasper has been unwell :(, though he is now back in full force doggy mode... (uh-oh)
7. My step dad got ran over at work while walking up a bank... an old man forgot to lock his handbreak and the car came rolling down the hige hill and knocked him flat on his (arse) british word for ass.. I apologise I should have said bum!
he is doing OK ish though, just lucky to be alive, he had to hold his legs up against the card to stop it actually crushing him to death! (oh dear)
8. I'm spending more time with my father as of lately, and my grandma and grandad, and uncle mark! and I have to say, its been the best times of my life so far! you dont realise how much you miss things untill it happens again!

there is alot more to what has happened recently, but It could take up all your time dear friends!

I promise I'll update soon.. WITH interesting news too!

I less than 3 you all! <3


  1. Hay Zara -Girl! First of all it's ME....Tonzya!!! I have to comment under anonympus right now, because blogspot is seriously deranged...
    Wow...so you have this amazing globe-trotting friend!!!! She must be ever so urbane and sophisticated!!!O_o....
    Pssst...I will tell you a secret...I hear her next place of residence will be...Amsterdam! Mostly because she took a poll and all the FB girls want to go, lots want to go there. You want to come? Back your virtual bags...dont forget the suncreen, bandaids and glitter!!!!
    I did't know you could build a website...what a little cyber-smarty you iz!!!
    Also glad that you are getting to visit more with your loved-ones. Sara, that is the most important thing in life.
    I pray your mouth feels betbless your dentists work!!!! Blessings Tonya

  2. I think MRS T is moving on to The Netherlands or was it Amsterdam...I can't remember and I am traveling with her!!! lol
    Any hooo...just wanted to drop by and say that I do hope you are feeling better than you were a while back!
    Take care and enjoy your family time!

  3. Hey Tonzya! whaaat?! Stoopid blogger! why is it doing that to you! oh no!
    Yeah I do have an amazing globe trotting friend! shes funny and cool and well shes just awesome! I think i may indeed join her on her Virtual Travels! it could be fun! oh yes indeed!
    We'll eat cake etc in Amsterdam... although.. lets be carefull in doing so o_O... you know what they say!
    Oh yes, I love to build websites for people if they need one, though it can caost alot if it need to go in the forefront of other websites, like my uncles is for his game he is a leader on.. he has over 500 guild members now! he only started playing a couple weeks ago and not even people who have played since the begining have half that amount! Its Great!
    My dentist gave me a specialised mouthwash and toothpaste to helpe me, i have to go to hospital for countless fillings! :/ not looking forward to that bit! O_O!
    i shall indeed keep on seeing my family, i have missed them terribly and nothing is going to stop me now! ~ Sara

  4. Mrs Menacy! I shall see you one our global trot! this will be a fun virtual trip I do say! It'll be fantabulous!
    I am feeling a little better thankyou for asking! the pains are there still but not even half as bad,although I keep getting infections everywhere and its an awfull feeling! acid build up is torturous too! o_O!
    Thankyou, i will enjoy my family time! i live for them! its amazing!
    I hope you are doing good?!
    Take care of yourself too!
    Sending love! ~ Sara

  5. Hi Sara,
    So sorry to hear about your new pain issues. Hope you don't have to wait very long to have your teeth taken care of. Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better and enjoying some quality family time! So important! Looking forward to your interesting news in your next post? Take care dear one!
    Hugs, Renee'

  6. Hi Renee,
    The pain has gone now, but I hope I mange to get them taken care of soon too!
    Yeah im feeling a little better which is always great and spending time with my family is very important to me now! I realise a few things when im with them, and one of them is just how much im loved and missed by them! Its a wonderfull feeling too!
    By interesting news i meant that hopefully my next adventure before i re-blog is actually interesting haha! the recents ones are not so much! lol
    Take care renee and thankyou for reading my blog! sending hugs your way! ~S

  7. Dearest Sara...I think I can post as ME now!!! I did some research and found a way into blogspot anyway...I iz sneaky you know!!!! I have had to stop my international globe trotting because FB believes me!!! All of my Ads are showing up in french! I had to cancel the Amsterdam trip before it all sarted showing up in Dutch!!!O_O...seriously! GOOBER ALERT!!!! So right nw I will be traveling either within the US or other english speaking countries...Folks have seemed to be craving a trip to Ireland.....Faith and begorra....tis me who will be plannin' it tha knows....T
